Your Family’s Partner on the Path to Long-Term Natural Health & Wellness

Moselle Natural Health is your family’s full-spectrum health and wellness partner, guiding you through everything from daily all-natural supplementation to complex health issues. As a holistic health professional, I integrate the best practices of various health and nutrition disciplines to significantly impact and improve your broader health picture—from addressing today’s concerns, getting ahead of disease before it starts, heading off ailments if early signs appear, and maintaining health once it’s achieved.

Happy healthy family

moselle natural health services

functional medicine icon


From issues ranging from the common to the complex, we’ll develop a detailed understanding of your specific genetic, biochemical and lifestyle factors and personalize a plan to vastly improve—and maintain—your health and wellness.


Sophisticated, efficient communication with your body’s energy field will help determine the need for dietary modifications, supplementation, detoxification and/or immune support, and stored emotions that need to be cleared.


The emotional unwind experience is an elegant, effective way to identify any stored or stuck emotions the body wants to release, and it leaves clients feeling grounded, more centered, and with a renewed connection to self.


I practice intelligent supplementation by only recommending the supplements you need, when you need them. I exclusively use world-class, practitioner-only nutraceuticals that deliver 100% whole food nutrients to you in a highly bioavailable form.

The body is a self-correcting, healing machine. Together we will unlock that ability and enable your body to realize its full potential.

Making a Difference for My Clients

Melissa Kadlec
Melissa Kadlec
I have seen Brian a few times over the last couple of years. I have had much success, but the real success story is with my daughter. She had been diagnosed with anxiety and taking medication for it for a couple years. Adderall was recently added to that due to adhd diagnosis, but she did not like the side effects. When we stopped in to Moselle’s to pick up a supplement for myself, Brian did a quick “test” on her and she responded well to ashwaghanda. He then went on to explain in detail why she tested for this. Needless to say, she no longer needs adderall and has reduced her anti-anxiety med by half. (This was our decision along with her doctor.) She is feeling more herself with plenty of energy, focus and confidence. I have noticed that her mood is way more steady and she is sleeping better without the need to sleep the days away. THANKS BRIAN!!!!! We are beyond grateful 🙏🏻
Mariel Novacek
Mariel Novacek
I was a few days into a severe sinus infection, that progressed to a plugged ear (possible ear infection), and I was trying all of my usual treatments to improve my symptoms with minimal improvement. I really wanted to try natural healing as this has worked best for my body in the past, so I went in to see Brian. He was able to help identify some challenges my body was having using the Morphogenic Field Technique. He was also able to identify two supplements that would likely help, using the same technique. Within 3-4 days my sinuses cleared up nearly 100%, and my blocked ear no longer hurt and began unplugging. Brian was empathetic and professional throughout the entire process and I'm so appreciative of how quickly my body responded with the help of his recommendations!
Amber Brown
Amber Brown
I first visited Moselle Natural Health LLC without having any idea of what to expect. I was guided through recommendations with understanding and support without unnecessary upselling. I've since been attending Emotional Unwind sessions and every time I go I am amazed by what we uncover and the healing that occurs through the process. Not only have I been able to address current and previous emotional stress, but these sessions have made a positive impact on me nutritionally and physically as well. With every session, I trust more and more that my best interest is at the forefront of the care I am given! I have more energy, less stress, and improved resilience. I highly recommend the Emotional Unwind sessions and any other protocols Moselle recommends!
Olivia Merges
Olivia Merges
Brian is so easy to work with and talk to! He listens to all of your concerns and helps you find ways to improve. I always leave my appointments impressed and fascinated at how accurate his process is!
David C. Bona
David C. Bona
My experience was great. I went into it without any expectations, and I came away surprised and enlightened. Brian was very thorough and a great communicator. I've already referred multiple friends and family members.
The Fire Within Yoga
The Fire Within Yoga
I’ve been working with Brian for over a year. We have been focusing on emotional release. I can always feel when I’m feeling off- we do the process and when we are finished I feel like a new person. Whatever was making me feel off- literally disappears. Most of the time I don’t even remember what emotions came up. It’s truly remarkable work. I never feel judged about what comes up. Truly blessed to have him and this work in my life!
Bill Perry
Bill Perry
My doctor's office was out of a natural supplement and after searching the website, I found Brian had them and his website was very user friendly. I created an account and ordered them. I received them in a quick manner and have ordered additional supplements from Brian since then. On another supplement I was needing, Brian was also out but he took the time to contact me directly to understand why I was needing this particular supplement. After talking thru it, he recommended a similar supplement which I ordered and received very quickly. I really appreciate the time and effort Brain takes with his customer support and getting to know you on a personnel level. I will continue to order from Brian with his interest in the natural healing process.
Family Adickes
Family Adickes
I used to try to study and find all my own natural remedies and resources. With a huge family and being a working mom, I am not afforded the time to do that as much as I would like. I have 100% confidence I can come to Brian and get a complete diagnosis and then rely on the research he's done to find ways to bring our health back around to normal. I am so thankful for him as a resource and our family's health has improved with following his seasonal protocols. His suggestions for my Mom, that just had a stroke were spot on, with regards to supplementation. We are so proud to have Brian on our team for better health!
Michele Hertwig
Michele Hertwig
Brian is wonderful to work with! He is my first call for consultation and advice on supplements and health and wellness questions. He listens, he recommends, he follows up. Brian is constantly educating himself to stay up to date on new methods and information to provide the utmost in service to his clients. Don't hesitate to call on him! You will be so glad you did!

Book your appointment today!

Take the next step toward complete health and wellness for you and your family. Reach out today, or book your appointment online.